digam ai o q vc acham de eu colocar esse livro q da uma dica de onde estao as quest de Ankrahmun. se sim me mande uma msg privada ou falem naturalmente no forum....
....não creio q isso seja spoli por que naum estaria falando exatamente onde esta as 7 tumbas mais sim oq diz no livro, e claro q vai ser em inglês...no livro só da dicas de onde estão as 7 tumbas ....Cheguei a conclusão q isso naum é spoli entaum ai vai o Livro
The Book of the Seven Tombs
So the seven were banished to the depths of seven cursed tombs. There they are waiting, imprisoned for eternity. One was buried outside the city in the shadows of the south-eastern tower, close to the pharaoh yet forever banished from his grace. One was buried in the ancient ruins far to the north, a tribute to his love for all that is old. One was buried at the tar pits. Blackness engulfed his withering heart, and blackness shall engulf his final demise. One was buried in the fields of stone. His will was as hard as a rock, so lifeless stone will cause his fall. One was buried near the Mountain, between its eternal body and a small stony hill, so that his rest may be eternal and unrelenting like the mountain heloved so much. One was buried somewhere on the peninsula to the south, so that his restless slumber might be soothed by the murmuring of the waves. One was buried not far to the north of the oasis. He was the one who found it most difficult to part from this world. The sands of the desert swallowed them all and sealed their fate. They are lost and yet they are denied the peace of true death.
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