Bom galera, eu e uns amigos exploramus a dark cathedral e achamos algusn livros, vou postá-los aki para para vcs.
Não traduzi nd, o texto eh mto grande, c alguem traduzir legal manda MP com o texto traduzido q eu edito :rolleyes:
Bom ae vão:
Pergaminhos :
The attempt to place a mole in the Brotherhood of Bones has not been successful yet. The major problem is that the brotherhood usually contacts promising candidates itself and not the other way around. The only success in arousing their interest led to the elimination of our hired necromancer by some local heroes. Seemingly the brotherhood stole the corpse later and reanimated it. I hope they did nothing with his spirit, else unwanted information might have leaked to them.
Our fake priests were able to discourage another troop of adventurers from entering the ruins. Although the efficiency of this outpost is admirable, I somewhat regret that my students did not get a little training in disposing of these curious nuisances.
That captured priest should be eliminated as soon as possible. It is far too dangerous to hold her captive for several reasons. I understand that the headquarter wants her interrogated but I am sure we did our best and this woman knows nothing of value. Regardless of my superiors' fears, I am convinced that she was investigating on her own here and not on some mission for our enemies.
The plans are making good process. The method of indoctrination and disinformation is very successful. Each week we can send out new students to further our course. Caution is still needed of course. Our enemies are numerous and powerful. Should they ever learn about our plans and this facility, the whole project would be endangered. It is far too early to go public with our plans. Therefore I suggest to build a second base at some remote place. It is important that we have an emergency backup, regardless of the resources it would take.
TBI File 006ZAH8
Name: Ned Noxious
Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Former Paladin, Assassin
Place of Birth: Unknown
Residence: Unkown, seems to travel from city to city
Affiliation: None
It seems Ned Noxious has appeared out of nowhere. The first reports about his activities date back to the pirate conflict that threatened the Venore merchants council. Noxious obviously was hired along with other mercenaries to get rid of some pirate captains that held the usually unorganised pirates under their control. Altough there are no specifics about the affair, Ned Noxious was the only one, out of of the twelve hired mercenaries, that returned to claim his reward. Afterwards he was employed by different persons or groups for undocumented and rather insignificant jobs. His next notable apperance was the elimination of the bandit queen Leerah within her own camp full of renegade amazons. It is assumed that Noxious used invisibility to get to her and quickly killed her before any guards could react.
Further accomplishments that are probably related to him:
The assassination of the last Thaian mayor of Venore.
The assassination of the mage Haramun in Darashia.
The assassination of the Mixton Family.
The sabotage of the 'Queen Torviva' in the harbor of Carlin.
The poisoning of the Edron wells which led to five deaths.
The killing of at least six noblemen in provoked duels.
We cannot be sure for which felonies he was paid by an unknown party and which of these acts he fulfilled out of sheer morbid pleasure. Still the lack of any proof makes it impossible to punish him adequately.
At least three assassination attempts on him have already failed.
Dear master,
I write to inform you that the targets were eliminated as requested. I still regret that you decided to entrust that mercenary Ned Noxiuos with the task and I was only a mere spectator. Although efficiently done, there was no finesse or skill displayed in their elimination. The fallen paladin Ned Noxious simply provoked the said individuals in a tavern. As soon as one of them was stupid enough to draw a weapon, they were disposed by a combination of energy bombs and fireballs. Of course the authorities did little about it since the tavern's patrons did swear the others attacked first. It seems unlikely that Noxious has those abilities in stealthiness and subtle assassination that the stories grant him.
It is sad that you had to inform us that the individual known as Ned Noxious wants only to cooperate with us as a freelancer. We do not suggest his elimination. He has proven his usefulness in the past and I fear even your pet assassin Malicious is far from having acquired the skills that Noxious possesses. Noxious is efficient yet expensive, but if it comes to really important missions, money matters little. Still, it is a sad thing to see that a freelancer outclasses the specialists who we invested a great deal of money in to train. Take Ned Noxious not as an obstacle but as a touchstone.
Concerning your suggestion to train our agitators at a different place to ensure your safety: We have discussed the pros and cons and came to the conclusion that it would be inefficient in the current state of the project. If we spread our risk, we would also spread our resources. The agitators, as you call them, are only useful if also trained as assassins. It is more useful to pick some promising students and teach them elocution and manipulation. If someone proves unsuitable, we can simply put him back into normal training. If we had two bases, the risk that possible captives know about them both is high enough to diminish the advantage of another base to zero. Rest assured that we are aware of the danger of the base being assaulted. You know that in such a case it is your job to destroy anything that could point to us and escape on your own. Those whose training was good enough to be of any value for us will be able to escape on their own and will be contacted and informed at places that were allotted to them for cases of emergeny.
We were pleased to learn about the untimely death of the merchant mentioned in our last letter. Your operative proved to be cunning and skilled in arranging this little accident in the harbour. Send him our best regards. We are sure we will hear more about him in the future.
Bem galera foram esses os livros que achei.
Valew Demon Spawm, Cramthy, Raider'knight, Druida do Tikinito ! e Eu![]()
Hail Elera !!!
Jogue Tibia sem mensalidades!
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