No server save de hoje, as seguintes atualizações foram realizadas:
- Achievement "Deer Hunt".
- Spells do tipo suporte (exeta res, exevo con, exevo pan, etc.) agora podem ser usadas em protect zone.
- Loot da criatura Brimstone Bug
- Custo do spell Challenge (exeta res) aumentado de 30 para 40.
- Spell Conjure Wand of Darkness (exevo gran mort). Cria uma Wand of Darkness (Range:4, critical hit chance 10%, critical extra damage 50%, magic level +2).
- Drop Tracker
- Loot Tracker - funciona apenas com itens pegos através do !autoloot.
- Supply Analyzer - serão contabilizados runas, munições, poções, alimentos, amuletos e anéis.
In today's server save, the following updates have been implemented:
- Achievement "Deer Hunt".
- Support spells (exeta res, exevo con, exevo pan, etc.) can now be used in protect zone.
- Loot of the creature Brimstone Bug
- Spell Challenge cost increased from 30 to 40.
- Spell Conjure Wand of Darkness (exevo gran mort). Creates a Wand of Darkness (Range:4, critical hit chance 10%, critical extra damage 50%, magic level +2).
- Drop Tracker
- Loot Tracker - works only with items taken through !autoloot.
- Supply Analyzer - runes, ammunition, potions, food, amulets and rings will be counted.
Jogue Tibia sem mensalidades!
Taleon Online - Otserv criado pelo TibiaBR.